Freediving Spearfishing WorldWide

Seminars & Events

10 - 18 January 2025, Athens - Freediving Instructor Course Level 1*

From Friday 10 January 2025
To Saturday 18 January 2025

This course is for experienced, accomplished freedivers who are very familiar with depth and pool disciplines and want to evolve from the recreational to professional level regarding Freediving.

The Free Diving Instructor Level 1 * can organize and train the recreational freediving levels freediving Level 1* / OPEN WATER FREEDIVER and freediving Level 2** / ADVANCED FREEDIVER and to be an assistant instructor at the recreational Freediving Level 3*** / MASTER FREEDIVER.

The purpose of the training seminar is for the participants to acquire knowledge on teaching techniques and demonstration of theoretical and practical subjects, to acquire skills of organization, management, and planning trips for groups of up to 6 people, and to learn the practices of identifying, predicting, and solving potential problems that may arise.

For detailed information about this event, visit the link: Freediving Instructor Level 1*

Sign in at the end of this page or find out more:

- Mobile, WhatsApp, Viber: (+30) 6970 99 13 90
- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Enter the names of the organizations you already have certifications from