Freediving Spearfishing WorldWide

Seminars & Events

24 - 29 June 2025, Athens - Advanced Spearo Level 2 **

From Tuesday 24 June 2025
To Sunday 29 June 2025

This course is geared towards Spearos who already have some familiarity with the marine environment and the use of specialised equipment for freediving and spearfishing and wish to learn proper theory and hunting techniques thoroughly, in order to lay the necessary foundations for efficient and safe training.

The purpose of the training seminar is additionally for participants to acquire knowledge concerning above and underwater environmental conditions and its effect on prey presence and hunting. The course will also detail basic techniques of underwater hunting.

At the end of the seminar, participants will be able to identify and hunt select prey efficiently and safely at medium depths and with varying techniques. They will also be able to predict the type of prey they will encounter in different type of seabeds and devise the appropriate hunting strategy for the conditions they encounter.

For detailed information about this event, visit the link: Spearfishing Level 2** / ADVANCED SPEARO

Sign in at the end of this page or find out more:

- Mobile, WhatsApp, Viber: (+30) 6970 99 13 90
- E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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